понедељак, 22. август 2016.

Katakiri Rekka why or why not (zasto ili zasto ne) tekst


To get my happiness I had done everything,but had done nothing to be blamed and accused of.The sound of fotsteps became louder every day,then i noticed fact there was no time 

I was a believer in life to be myself always,and was asking whether I would be alive

Give me a reason why not to adopt in this way, or judge me to be guilty of so many incurable sins.Tell me why,or why not complaining way too much,maybe I overlooked something fatal for me

The whole world was at a complete standstill,and I was in fetters,at the mercy of the mob.the silent warning became louder every day.Then I cept pretending not to hear 

Its meaning had been in the eyes of beholder all along.It has grown dark before I found a sign 

"Among the nonsense tragedies,what on earth you are looking for? You only have to be honest to yourself and your own fate" Tell me why,or why not.Complaining way too much,maybe I overlooked something fatal for me

There is nobody who knows there will be nobody.Expect for me,all the world has gone mad

So what forgiveness you are willing to withhold? What is the well-being you are willing to make? Now what? So what? Don't you come interrupt me,oh please,while I am interrupting myself


Kako bih dobila svoju srecu uradila sam sve sto sam morala,ali nisam uradila nista zasta bi me optuzivali,koraci svakog dana postaju sve sve jaci,tek tad sam shvatila da je postalo kasno 

U zivotu sam uvek verovala da cu biti ono sto jesam,i pitala se dali uopste treba da sam ziva 

Daj mi razlog zasto da ne odaberem ovaj put,ili me optuzi za brojne neizlecive grehe,reci mi zasto,ili zasto ne.Zaleci se previse,mozda mi je promaklo nesto smrtonosno po mene

Ceo svet je bio u potpunom zastoju,ja sam u okovima,na milost i nemilost svih.Tiho upozorenje postalo je sve glasnije.Ali sam se nastavila praviti da ga ne cujem.
To znacenje je u ocima mnogih sve vrijeme bilo.Mrak je postao jaci pre nego sam pronasla znak.

"Među besmislenim tragedijama sta na zemlji ti trazis? Treba samo biti iskren prema sebi i svojoj sudbin." Reci mi zasto,ili zasto ne.Zaleci previse,mozda mi je promaklo nesto smrtonosno po mene 

Ne postoji niko ko zna da nece biti nikoga.Za ocekivati,ceo svet je poludeo.

Pa sta je oprostaj voljan da zadrzi? Sta je blagostanje spremno da spremno da zadrzi? Sta sad? Pa sta? Nemoj dolaziti,oh molim te,dok sam jos tu.

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